Semi detailed Lesson Plan in Educational technology 1

Semi detailed Lesson Plan 

  I.  Objectives                

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a.) Acquire a clearer understanding about Printed Media. 
b.) Value the importance or knowing the different kind of media used in teaching and learning process. 
c.) Make a scenario that shows the advantages and disadvantages of Printed Media
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Printed Media
References: Educational Technology 1 pp. 91-105
Author: Epifania V. Tabbada Ed. D., Maria Mercedes Buendia MAEd
Materials: Marker, PowerPoint presentation, Laptop, projector, Bond paper and colored paper.
Values ​​Integration: The students will give importance of using printed media in their learning process.

III. Procedure
 1. Prayer
 2. Greetings
 3. Checking of attendance
 4. Review
 5. Motivation
The teacher shows a video presentation entitled "media" that is connected to the today's discussion and the student will watch and analyze the video presentation. After that the teacher will ask some question to his / her students.

B. Developmental Phase

1. Activity
The class will be divided into two. The class will have an activity called "collect me and you will get me" the teacher explain the mechanics of the activity.The player must play the game for only 3 minutes.The first group students will go to the first station and read the statement inside the piece of paper and do the command inside it, until they collect the small box inside the piece of paper, the group 2 students will do the same. After that one representative go to the front and explain the quote that is connected to discussion for today.

2. Analysis 

Printed Media

Ø   Is one of the oldest forms of instructional media that is being used in the classroom.
Ø     Printing has indeed evolved. From the Woodblock printing in 200CE to the digital printing that is used nowadays.
Ø    Are materials used to inform, instruct and motivate learners.
Ø    As a learning aid, printed materials are used to enhance the learning of the students.
Ø    As training materials, printed materials are used as reference after training or to be used to work through on their own.
Ø    As information materials, printed materials are used to disseminate information regarding school events or the likes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Printed Media

Advantages and Disadvantages of Printed Media are:

The advantages of Printed media are:

1. Printed media can easily be transported and can be brought and placed anyway you go.
2. Printed media can be produced through the use of computers or handwritten.
3. Printed media is not expensive to generate especially if it is not done in color.
4. Printed media is the most commonly used media most students are familiar with.

The Disadvantages of Printed media are:

1.       Since printed media is the most common, sometimes students fail to see the importance of these media because of its lacks of sounds and animations.
2.       Printed media can only convey verbal language and therefore it does not necessarily elicit response from the reader.
3.       Printed media needs time and to update. It is not very easy to update a book because it needs preparation and development before it can reproduce another copy.


Books are the oldest form and the most common form of print media used by the students. It is the best source of knowledge and information.


1.       The students gain the legacy of knowledge earned by those who came before [Beckert, 1992]. Without books and textbooks, no education could have been possible.
2.        It is used as a teaching aid. Teachers and students use this for their lessons as primary source of information.
3.       It provides entertainment.


Browsing books- are designed to catch the reader's eye then allow for random readings.
 Continuous reading books- are the traditional textbooks uses by the students for the different subject areas.
Reference books- are designed for easy retrieval of particular information.

Guiding Principles for Quality Textbooks

2.Learning and Teaching
3.Structure and Organization
5.Textbook Layout (for printed textbooks only)

Guidelines for Using Textbooks

  1. Textbooks should meet student's needs.
 2. Direct student's reading by using objectives and / or questions.
 3. Emphasize the use of visuals in textbooks.
 4. Refer to the teacher's guide for supplementary materials and activities.
 5. Supplement the textbook with other media.

"Books of proven literary worth should be the backbone of the curriculum" - Beckert, 1992

These approaches are most useful in an elementary class.
1.Reading Aloud
2. Shared reading
3. Guided Reading
4. Group Reading
5. Independent reading


- are popular form of print media. It is published daily or weekly and it covers a variety of topics from local and international news.

Newspaper functions in many ways:

1. As information provider
2. As opinion builder
3.As entertainment provider
4. As advertising vehicle


- are a great way to strengthen parent and teacher communication.
 - are used to provide information to selected readers, like the student body group of students of the particular organization or parents.

Newsletter functions in many ways:

 1. As information provider
 2. As a community builder


Magazines are printed materials that provide information in various fields. Usually a magazines comes periodically, either weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.

Magazine functions in many ways:

1.       Provide informations
2.       Provide intertainments
3.       Facilitate advertising

Handouts is an important part of a presentation. An effective handout must be well prepared and well-designed.

Designing your handouts:

- This is the guide to what typefaces will be used in the handouts.
_ This is guide to where to place the graphics and text on the page.
There are four basic principles of visual design:

2.1 Contrast
2.2 Repetition
2.3 Alignment
2.4 Proximity


1. Pre design stage 
2. Design stage 
3. Post design stage 

4. Abstraction 

The teacher will ask Questions to the students:
• What is printed media?
• What are the advantages of printed media?
• What are the disadvantages of printed media?
• Do you think it is effective instructional materials to enhance teaching and learning? Why?
• As a future educators, do you think it is more effective using printed media in teaching learning process? Why? 

5. Application
  The teacher next activity is entitled "play this". The teacher explains the mechanics of the activity that is the student create a scenario that shows the advantages and disadvantages of using printed media in the classroom. The students will be divided into two (2). The first group is for advantages while the second group is for disadvantages.


1. This is the basic principles of visual design, except:
a. Contrast
b. Repetition 
c. Alignment 
d. Legibility 
2. Is an important part of a presentation. An effective handout must be well prepared and well-designed. 
a. Handouts 
b. Newsletter 
c. Magazine 
d. Books 
3. Are printed materials that provide information in various field. Usually a magazine comes periodically, either weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. 
a. Handouts 
b. Newsletter 
c. Magazine 
d. Books 
4. The oldest form and the most common form of printed media used by the students. It is the best source of knowledge and information.
a. Books
b. Newsletter
c. Magazine
d. Handouts
5. Is one of the oldest forms of instructional media that is being used in the classroom.
a. Magazine
b. Printed media
c. Handouts
d. Books


  Make an advance reading about "Audio-Visual Media".

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