Semi detailed Lesson Plan in Educational technology 1
Semi detailed Lesson Plan I. Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: a.) Acquire a clearer understanding about Printed Media. b.) Value the importance or knowing the different kind of media used in teaching and learning process. c.) Make a scenario that shows the advantages and disadvantages of Printed Media II. Subject Matter: Topic: Printed Media References: Educational Technology 1 pp. 91-105 Author: Epifania V. Tabbada Ed. D., Maria Mercedes Buendia MAEd Materials: Marker, PowerPoint presentation, Laptop, projector, Bond paper and colored paper. Values Integration: The students will give importance of using printed media in their learning process. III. Procedure 1. Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking of attendance 4. Review 5. Motivation The teacher shows a video presentation entitled "media" that is connected to the today's discussion and the student will